
Showing posts from May, 2011

One Bread, One Body John Michael Talbot Chorus:           G C             G C G               D             Em  B7  Em One bread, one body,   one Lord of all            D       G               Em              A  D  D7 One cup of blessing which we bless          G  C             G C G              D  ...

Be Not Afraid

                                    Bob Dufford, SJ You shall cross the barren desert But you do not die of thirst You shall wander far in safety Though you do not know the way You shall speak your words to foreign men And they will understand You shall see tha face of God and live Refr.  Be not afraid, I go before you always Come follow me, and I will give you rest Blessed are the poor For the kingdom shall be theirs Blest are you that weep and mourn For one day shal laugh And if wicked men insult And hate you all because of me     Blessed, blessed are you. Refr…. If you pass though raging waterse in the sea You shall not drown If you walk amid the burning flames You shall not be harmed ...


Heaven.... menurut Wahyu 21:9 - 22:5. Kota Surga - Yerusalem Baru. Panjangnya = lebarnya = tingginya = 2400km  (Bandingkan : Jakarta - Denpasar = 1174 km/ Jakarta - Kupang 1918 km, Jakarta - Dili 2082 km) Tebal temboknya : 64,8 m. Memiliki 12 pintu gerbang yang terbuat dari mutiara. 3 pintu di setiap penjuru angin. Tembok, dinding bangunan dan jalan raya terbuat dari emas tulen. Fondasi kota terdiri dari 12 lapisan batu permata. Batu dasar yang pertama : Batu Yaspis.  Dasar kedua : Nilam (Saphire) Dasar ketiga : Mirah (Ruby) Dasar keempat Zamrud Dasar kelima : Unam Dasar keenam : Sardis  Dasar ketujuh : Ratna Cempaka (Topaz) Dasar ke delapan : Beril (Emerald) Dasar ke sembilan : Krisolit Dasar ke sepuluh : Kristopas Dasar ke sebelas : Lazuardi Batu keduabelas (paling atas) : Kecubung.         ...